Friday, September 18, 2009

Uwem Akpan's Say You Are One of Them, Oprah's Pick

For those who have not yet heard it, it is true. For those who have already read about in in one of the many news media outlets out there, I think that this is huge, really huge. It is huge not only because is assures that Akpan becomes an instant millionaire (well, he's a Jesuit priest), it is so because African literature has finally arrived in America. With Chimamanda, Helon Habila, Chris Abani and many others already out there, this Akpanic big bang simply burns the arrival of African literature into American consciousness. Now, let's hope that literary agents and editors will begin to consider our manuscripts seriously.
Be well, and now, good luck in your writing.


Ria said...

Hi! I'm a student of Dr. Libretti's at NEIU and I'm reading your book... It's amazing! I was going to take your class this semester but schedules clashed... I hope to be in one of your classes soon!

Lilly said...

Thanks great blog posst