Friday, February 20, 2009

Hope amid Zimbabwe's harsh reality

I tend to see myself as a realist; I call a spade a spade. I have, however, come to realize that it doesn't hurt to see life from the slightest wink of optimism there is. This is what I, in concert with my Zimbabwean friends, have resigned to do in the past months, indeed, years. You can't imagine how happy I was to read this headline from BBC website. "Hope amid Zimbabwe's harsh reality." Yes, indeed, Tsvangirai's ascendancy to power, however limited, should be see as a sign of hope.
To those who are about to lose their grip on the life-saving log of wood they chanced upon in that great pond I say, hang on, please. Hang on, tempus omnia vincit. Time conquers everything. That sounds idiotic, I know. But look, Mugabe is 85 years old. 85! Good Lord. Well, there will surely be another election soon. That's all I can say.
Oh, did I give a link to the original article? Here it is, friends. ENJOY

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